OutBritain a leading business voice for LGBTQ+ businesses is planning a national launch of its ‘Business Enterprise Certification Scheme’ in London on the 17th May, near Tower Bridge. 

The showcase is being held in partnership with EY and the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) to highlight the significant role of LGBTQ+ business leaders and entrepreneurs are contributing to the British economy, says Matt Dabrowski, co-founder and chief executive of OutBritain.  

Mr Dabrowski, originally from the USA, but now basing his organisation in London and Scotland, where he initially started the OutScotland organisation in 2020, said that in his home country the LGBTQ+ business community generates US $1.3tn in revenue every year, and now wants to develop the UK marketplace.

Mr Dabrowski, said: “Our launch in London is to recognise the benefits of LGBTQ+ businesses and a greater ‘queer voice and focus’ on the importance of diversity in supply chain management and procurement, networking, and profile in the UK marketplace.”   

“This official launch follows a year-long process of continuous research and consultations with stakeholders across all sectors to design an applicable programme for British LGBT+ companies.” 

“Our goal is that through certification, more and more companies of every size and sector will be able to identify and conduct business with LGBT+ firms in the UK that will advance the economic inclusion and growth of our communities worldwide,” he said.

“Our new certification scheme is a proud watermark celebrating the benefits and economic opportunities of working with LGBTQ+ business leaders and entrepreneurs.” 

The London launch will include business and corporate leaders from across the UK and overseas, with representatives from the US Embassy and UK Minister for Export and Equalities, Rt.Hon Mike Freer a guest speaker.

“As the exclusive, third party LGBTQ+ certification body in the UK, OutBritain will verify that eligible businesses are majority-owned by LGBTQ+ individuals, and grant LGBTQ+ Business Enterprise (LGBTBE) accreditation. 

“In turn, certified LGBTBE companies gain access to OutBritain and OutScotland corporate sponsors, members, partners and affiliates.”

“The London launch is also being streamed live for people that can’t attend that includes; networking, presentations, panel discussions, and the official launch of the Business Enterprise Certification Scheme,” added Mr Dabrowski. 

Anyone looking for more information about OutBritain can view on their website: to book tickets to attend the London launch:

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