TWO Plymouth siblings who were both diagnosed with bowel cancer, and spent the afternoon raising awareness of the deadly disease to festive shoppers – in the Sainsbury’s Armada Centre store.
Bowel Cancer West, is the designated charity for the Plymouth town centre supermarket for the next year, said Mark Belamarich, MBE.
Mr Belamarich, said: “I cannot stress enough how important it is to get tested, who like his sister Julieanne Cremen had the cancer symptoms.”
“We recently organised a black tie dinner and raised over a £1k, and volunteering our services for BCW Charity are doing an amazing job, especially profiling a disease that gets a ‘dangerously low profile’,” said Mr Belamarich.
Miss Cremen, said: “I know some people find it very difficult to talk about bowel habits, but we’re here in the middle of Sainsbury’s to say to people, it’s OK to talk about it, and don’t get embarrassed about it.”
“Colorectal cancer is Britain’s second biggest cancer killer, but only ranks fourth for cancer diagnosis, said Miss Cremen.
“A higher proportion of people diagnosed do not survive, and down to late testing and of course ignorance of the symptoms,” added Mr Belamarich.
Brother and sister campaigners Mark Belamarich and Julienne Cremen
Anyone looking for more information about Bowel Cancer West can visit their web portal: www.bowelcancerwest.com