South West group to lead trade mission to Gibraltar

Kevin Kelway, Director of Dorcas Media, PR Specialist at International Trade Matters appeared on GBC News recently.

International Trade Matters (ITM) is looking to organise a South West Trade Mission to the Rock in November 2019 or early next year, and being coordinated by International PR Specialist Kevin Kelway and International Trade Matters.

Mr Kelway, said: “The Rock is a vibrant, strong, and diverse economy with a highly skilled workforce, and an ideal partner working with South West businesses.”

“Many companies in Plymouth and the South West region don’t know what Gibraltar can offer, and our goal at International Trade Matters is to help spread the word, and organise a trade mission to the Rock in November 2019,” he said.

International Trade Matters (ITM) supports businesses to develop trading opportunities, analysing new markets, organising trade missions like the one we are planning to Gibraltar, and making introductions.

(ITM) is based in Devon with international specialists that provides expertise in Market Research, Strategic Development, Agents and Distributors, global PR and Marketing, Regional and Industry specific guidance.

Anyone looking for more information can email Kevin at: or visit the (ITM) web portal:






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