THE PlymLit17 Festival is back by public demand, and city organisers are planning a series of events in October that will kick-start with a major VIP event- at the Sherwell Hall on the 20th October.
Last year’s inaugural showcase pulled in more than 1,000 people and brought top authors and poets to the city, during 12 days of events across Plymouth.
Owen Ryles, one of the coordinators of the Festival, said: “PlymLit17 differs from many other festivals nationally in that it aims to showcase local talent too.”
“We feature leading writers from the Plymouth area, and give novices a chance to take part also,” he said.
This year’s showcase will exhibit a wide spread of writing styles, in addition to poetry and fiction, including a journalism question time panel, dramatic writing, and comedy and much more.
Anyone looking for more information can contact our website: