PLYMOUTH writer Chris Savery’s latest play ‘To Win A Crown of Thorns’ is being showcased on the New York stage next week on the 1-2 August.
The 2-hour play is about the English Civil War of 1642-1651, and a series of conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Charles 1 (Royalists).
Every summer over the last 14 years Manhattan celebrates the diversity of its theatre with the Midtown International Festival where Chris’s first show about Marilyn Monroe debuted, and this year the premier of his latest production.
I have created 28 characters, and being played by 12 actors, and they are performing cross-gender roles at the June Havoc Theatre, said Chris Savery.
Mr Savery, said: “Angie Kristic is producing the show for me, and the play is already generating serious interest from New York critics fascinated how one of the Western World’s most important democratic and political civil wars – that led to the rule of law and the supremacy of our democratic traditions.”
Angie Kristic, said: “Actors play out the words and emotions through the eyes of Roundhead and Royalists, and the big surprise is that people in New York are really interested in coming to see this play.”
Chris Savery originally premiered the play back in the 1980’s at the Globe Theatre in Plymouth, and decided to re-write the work which is a big play on words, and the flexibility and richness of the English language, says Chris.
“The cast are working for nothing and are incredibly committed and hard working.”
The production will also make its debut in Paris in September and will be translated into French, and I am very excited, said Mr Savery.
Anyone looking to sponsor the show can contact our PR agents:
kevin@dorcasmedia.com or www.dorcasmedia.com for more information.
The Arms of the English Civil War being played out on the New York stage:
(Picture) Plymouth writer Chris Savery