Three Plymouth parents have come together to run a new CIC company entitled Obsidian Support Services that was founded in July 2024.

The new city organisation is looking to shine a light on the positive importance of LGBTQ+ and young people’s issues with mental health, emotional wellbeing, and accepting their identities.
Chief Executive, Toni Gillon, said: “Our organisation is named after a crystal and transforming negative energies.”
“LGBTQ+ children and young people face the same risks like everyone else, but they are at a greater risk of some types of abuse, and as a mother, I found there wasn’t a lot of support for my son and for 14-to-17 year-olds, so we decided to set up our new support services.”
Obsidian will be offering support for parents, families, and peers who might also be struggling around LGBTQ+ questions and issues, she said.
Fellow Director, Lisa Snopek, said: “Safeguarding our youth is crucial, especially offering space where loved ones can come together in a safe environment, and just saying its OK, and your normal like everyone else.”

Ruth Hocking, Project Coordinator, said: “We are in negotiations to set up a long-term location for Obsidian, and our support services are open Plymouth-wide.”
Toni added: “Our aims for the future include outreach services and talking in schools, collaborating with other organisations and charities, and becoming a signpost for supporting our city’s LGBTQ+ youth,” she said.

Anyone looking to become an Obsidian Volunteer, or more details about the organisation can view on their Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61562814523867 or email: Osservices1@outlook.com