Special article by Media Director, Kevin Kelway – in our anniversary year of celebrating 8 years of Dorcas Media – and if you’re an exporter, the strategic importance of international PR for your business.
How to enhance your PR strategy through the power of Micro-Influencing.
SOME of the big trends in local, national, and international Public Relations since the Covid-19 pandemic – is the way we collect data from the call to arms campaigns, case study profiles, news items, and media teasers from online traffic platforms.

We are now living in the age of the micro-social media influencers whether individuals or entrepreneurs or, businesses like International Trade Matters, Dorcas Media, Distilled Films, The Enterprise Ian Show broadcast out of Glasgow every other week online – which is adding to your new PR activities as part of a concerted media package mix.
This is certainly formulating how we evaluate the success in shaping, creating conversations, and how audiences are interacting and talking, especially tailor-made campaigns that are target focused for businesses and organisations.

So, how can you bring Micro-Influencers into your global PR and marketing strategy?
Simple…PR is essentially storytelling and creating that relationship between your business and the people interested in your brand and products.
Public Relations is the key to effective communication and with the rollout of ever fast broadband, and the surge of connectivity across the globe, getting in front of new customers and export markets is becoming quick and easy, and all the time this is changing how the PR sector is changing in the global village.
In over 25 years of being a publicist, award-winning campaigner, and journalist, the best secret of great PR includes:
· Quality research
· Perceptions to communication delivery
· PR is a deliberate and planned effort
· Campaigns need to be sustained and maintained for the success of your business

The demand for niche and creative campaigns that is target promoted, together with selected campaigns that cultivate new ways to get your message out there, and Micro-Influencers certainly create a chat, hype, and content.
Since March 2020, the PR sector across the world in my opinion is a roller coaster of fast change and is certainly changing the way we are doing business and making decisions.

At International Trade Matters their team of specialists can support your business in many aspects of exporting, advice and support, and will help you understand the bigger picture in showing off your business on the world stage – and especially in my sphere at (ITM) and Dorcas Media – the enormous value of how PR can work for your business.
For a FREE 1-hour media consultation and more details please email: kevin@dorcasmedia.com Tel 07435 745458 or visit the export specialists at: www.internationaltradematters.com