
Linda Middleon-Jones


ioe-logo-large-960x330banner (1)MORE than 100 delegates from India, Egypt, and Commonwealth countries are due to attend a global summit in Plymouth this summer – looking at the UK’s blueprint for international trade.

The symposium, at Plymouth University, will examine the issues and opportunities in accessing new markets for city businesses, and debate the shape of future international trade once the UK has made its Brexit from the European Union.

The event will take place on the 6th July – where Government ministers, regional business leaders, foreign delegations, and academics will attend the all-day event, said Linda Middleton-Jones, South West regional director for the Institute Export (IOE).

Miss Linda Middleton-Jones launched her new business consultancy last year, which helps South West companies create export strategies, identify markets, deal with documentation, and keep up-to-date with legislation and regulations. She also represents the (IOE) in the South West region.

Meanwhile, next month a South West Export Expert Week is being planned, where local firms will be offered specialist help to reach foreign markets.

Linda Middleton-Jones, and Mike Jospypenko, the Institute of Export’s senior director of special projects, will be visiting firms throughout the city between the 12th and 16th June.

Miss Middleton-Jones, said: “In an ever-changing business environment, the (IOE) is working to raise the skills of those involved in global trade in Plymouth and across the South West region by engaging with firms and the Government.”

“The two events in June and July will explore ‘some of the opportunities that are available to Plymouth and South West companies,” she said.

“The Plymouth global conference on July 6th will focus on ‘what next?” And it will be looking to define the routes to new and existing international markets,” she said.

Anyone looking for more information can email: or


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