TWO of Exeter’s specialist training providers, Education and Training Skills (ETS) and PGL Training, have signed a deal to transfer a significant number of ETS’s apprentices over to PGL Training – in a ‘seamless transfer’.

The agreement by two of the South West’s long-standing training organisations has been collaborating over many months for a smooth transfer of arrangements, where apprentices and employers will receive ‘no disruptions or interruptions’ in their teaching and learning programmes.

Richard Jenkins, chief executive of ETS Training, said: “As of the 31st July 2019, the ETS apprentices became the responsibility of PGL Training.”

“ETS and PGL Training, will be working particularly close together over the next six months to ensure the apprentices and employers continue to receive a positive experience.”

“The agreed arrangements between our organisations, the Education and Skills Funding Agency and employers include the transfer of apprentices and four ETS staff members who are now employed by PGL Training.”

“ETS has worked in partnership with PGL Training over many years and this apprenticeship transfer process has been testament to the good understanding and working relationship we have with each other,” said Mr Jenkins.

“It has taken a lot of hard work from both our teams to execute the apprenticeship transfers in such a smooth manner.”

ETS made a decision to deliver less and more specific apprenticeship programmes, in order to concentrate its efforts in providing businesses with tailor-made continuous professional development courses and Executive Support Services through a new Chief Executive Hub (CEOHub) service.

Mr Jenkins, added: “Our bespoke workforce CPD courses are designed to meet the needs of South West businesses, and our Executive Support Services are aimed at senior leaders, managers, and decision-makers within those organisations who wish to engage with experts who can work with them to make their companies even more successful.”

“We are in the process of a major refurbishment at our offices in Exeter Business Park and hope this will be completed later this year,” he said.

Dean Matthews, Senior Manager at PGL Training, said: “We are very pleased to have been recommended as the provider of choice by ETS training, and my team has worked tirelessly and will continue to do so to make sure the transfer of apprentices, staff and resources are seamless.”

“PGL knows how important delivery continuity is when you’re working with over 500 apprentices and 1,000 businesses. We have been working with ETS over a number of years on peer-to-peer projects and we have signposted learners to each other whenever we have felt it was beneficial to the learners.”

“PGL holds Levy and Non-Levy apprenticeship contracts and has a team of over 40 trainers, assessors and administrators supporting the continuing growth of our provision in Exeter and across the South West region,” he said.

“Exeter and the South West region is vibrant area for apprenticeships and local employers are more aware than ever of the benefits of taking on apprentices of all ages. We will definitely continue to use ETS to provide us with added value courses to enhance the learning experience of both our apprentices and employers,” said Mr Matthews.

“PGL is certainly playing its part in helping the Government to promote the importance of apprenticeships and is driving forward to increase apprenticeship provision across the region.”

Anyone looking for more information about PGL Training apprenticeship programmes can visit their web portal: www.pgltraining.com or for ETS continuous professional development courses and executive support services please click on the link: www.trainingsouthwest.co.uk

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