Matthi ab Dewi of Radyo an Gernewgva
Campaigners fighting for one of Europe’s ancient spoken languages says the next steps in its revival are teaching the language in local schools across Cornwall, said head of programming, at Radyo an Gernewgva, Matthi ab Dewi.
Mr ab Dewi, said: “By offering a broader range of radio, TV, and other media platforms – we will be encouraging people to use the Cornish language in a natural way.”
Radyo an Gernewgva can be heard online at www.anradyo.com and on three FM radio stations including; Coast FM, The Source FM, and Radio St Austell Bay.
“Over the last 10 years it has aimed to give the Cornish-speaking community and students a way of immersing themselves in a language that dates back to Roman times, said Mr ab Dewi.
The service is currently part supported by Cornwall Council, and recently added a video arm called Pellwolok an Gernewegva, and produces a series of programmes from Cornish events, walking programmes, and a monthly news digest.
“In Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland the Celtic languages are supported with many millions of pounds, but Whitehall officials axed £120k supporting the Cornish language – and now give nothing to Cornwall,” said Mr ab Dewi.
Kevin Kelway, director of Dorcas Media, said: “Dorcas Media is proud to be supporting this radio service in the Duchy, and helping to secure the Cornish language, but also working with Radyo an Gernewgva to build the foundations for the future longevity of one of Europe’s ancient spoken languages.”
Kevin Kelway, director of Dorcas Media
“With our PR and marketing experience we are looking to work in partnership with Radyo an Gernewgva over the years to come, and to raise the profile and beauty of the Cornish language on the global stage.”
Mr Matthi ab Dewi, added: “Pur lowen ov kesoberi gans Kevin gans govenek rag drehevel gonis sostenadow y’n termyn a dheu/I’m very happy to be working with Kevin in the hope of establishing a sustainable service for the future.”