2013-04-23 11.43.31

Hip-hop dancer Sina Fischer who is part of an all girl dance troop and performs in competitions across Germany – is on work experience with Clever Student Lets for the next 3-weeks.

The 20-year-old foreign language student is from Stuttgart, in Southern Germany, and part of a German delegation brushing-up on her English language skills, at the Tellus Group in Plymouth.

“I’m really enjoying my work placement at Clever Student Lets and the role is varied and includes; administration duties, room checks for fellow international students, and marketing activities.”

“It’s very important for European students to be given the opportunity to work with local people, and to understand the British culture much better, but most importantly, improve my English language skills which is the universal language of the world.”

Tellus Group has been providing educational services since 2003, and through its Meridian School of English since 1979, and regularly places international students on work placements with Clever Student Lets, based on North Hill.

Miss Fischer, added: “When I go back to Germany I’m looking for a career in marketing and PR, but intend to carry on dancing. We are a hip-hop all girl dance group ranging from the age of 14 to 25. The hip-hop culture was created in the US back in the 1970’s.”

Clever Student Lets is a leading student property provider in Plymouth and looking to expand across the UK, Europe, and China.

DORCAS BREAKING NEWS: The Rockhoppas the homecoming, episodes one & two, now on our website