Plymouth businesses challenged to stick their oar in
By WILLIAM TELFORD, Business Editor

A Plymouth rowing club formed to promote the sport wants business folk interested in exercise to grab an oar.
The Mayflower Offshore Rowing Club, based at Richmond Walk, near Stonehouse Bridge, is offering a free taster session and is targeting corporate members alongside regular participants, who can be of any age or ability.
During the Christmas break the organisation held a festive row to raise cash for children’s charity CHICKS, which provides respite breaks for disadvantaged youngsters, those who have lost parents, or who are full-time carers for adults.
Gail Taylor, the club’s women’s captain, said: “I’ve been rowing for six years and its the best form of all-round exercise I’ve ever done.
“I’m proud we’re holding a festive row for CHICKS, looking to raise over £200.”
Josh O’Brien, at 15 the youngest member of the club, added: “I get to meet people of all ages and genders. Rowing is a great British sport that keeps me fit.”
Jeff Keast, men’s captain, said: “We’re organising an open day when anybody wanting to have a look at what offshore rowing is about can have a free taster session.”
(Publicity generated by Dorcas Media).