A global conference looking at new ways to help people in learning English Language skills online, and entitled ‘World in Words’ is being organised by Stoke based Almond Vocational Link – and taking place at the Plymouth Guildhall on the 7th November from 10am to 12pm.
Janet Wonnacott, Managing Director of Almond Vocational Link, said: “The two-hour conference is looking at how English Language learning is changing from the classroom to the web, and using a variety of new online teaching practices.”
“Learn Business English online is FREE and is a dedicated platform that uses business vocabulary and mobile friendly games to help tease the enquiring entrepreneurial mind-set,” she said.
Over 60 delegates are expected to attend the event with presentations, online games, and the Guildhall showcase will be opened by Dr Stephen Childe, Associate Professor in Operations Management, at Plymouth Business School.
Almond Vocational Link have been delivering the ‘World in Words’ project for the last two years for young people aiming to promote their foreign language skills, but also foster entrepreneurial spirit.
The project is funded by the EU and uses different learning approaches online through the simulation of games and hands-on practical sessions, said Mrs Wonnacott.
Meanwhile, Almond Vocational Link is celebrating nearly 12 years in business and delivering English Language programmes in the city.
Mrs Wonnacott, said: “Post-Brexit we are looking out across the globe to expand our English Language services in the world’s emerging markets. The UK’s (ELT) English Language sector is worth over £2 billion every year.”
“English is spoken by some 1.75 billion people worldwide – that’s one in every four. By 2020, over 2 billion people will be using it, or learning to use it.”
“It’s one of our biggest invisible exports our language, and Almond Vocational Link will be using online teaching services to attract new English learners across the globe,” she said.
Anyone looking for more information about the ‘World in Words’ conference can email: info@almondvoclink.co.uk or view on their web portal: www.almondvoclink.co.uk
Janet Wonnacott has worked with the EU Lifelong Learning programmes since 2004.
(AVC) has many partners under the LLP in Mobility both for students in Initial Vocational Training as well as for people in the labour market.
Almond Vocational Link has also been involved with VETPRO projects and a lead co-ordinator of the Grundtvig project, and works with partners across Europe.