A PLYMOUTH Mother is fighting to raise £38,000 for an operation not funded on the NHS for her two-year-old son Fynn Fleming – who was diagnosed with Spastic Cerebral Palsy when he was one-years of age.
The boys were born prematurely at 30 weeks in August 2014, and the differences between them became apparent when Fynn failed to achieve milestones expected of babies, said the boys’ Mother Katie Fleming.
Fynn, Katie, and Leo Fleming
Mrs Fleming, said: “When they were born, they weighed less than 6Lb between them, and were given twin-to-twin blood transfusion and fought for their lives for over two months.”
“In May 2017, we met with Consultants at Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital to see if Fynn was a suitable candidate for ‘Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR).”
(SDR) procedure sees surgeons cut the nerves in the spinal cord that are sending the wrong messages to the legs, in turn strengthening Fynn’s legs.
“Having this operation would mean that most of his painful spasms would cease and enable him to chase after his twin brother and hopefully walk unaided.”
The bombshell came when we were told that the NHS does not currently fund this type of operation, and yet it’s ironic that if we find the £38,000 for his operation, it will be carried out privately at an NHS hospital?”
Meanwhile, Plymouth city businesses have taken Fynn’s plight to their collective hearts and organising a special black tie dinner on the 4th November, at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel – and hoping to raise £3K towards his operation.
Jennie Morgan with Fynn, Katie, Leo Fleming, and Aimee Corless
Jennie Morgan and Aimee Corless, at Home After Halls, student lettings agency, have been organising the showcase with over 100 tickets sold for the charity ball with live entertainment, raffles, and prizes donated by over 20 city retailers, leisure attractions, restaurants, and hotels.
Darren Negus, New Wave Marine supporting Fynn’s First Steps
Darren Negus, industrial services manager, at New Wave Marine, said: “Fynn is our company’s designated charity and we have booked a table to support the campaign to get his operation done so he can walk around and play with his brother.”
Mrs Fleming, added: “We have raised nearly £18,000 so far, and any help, support, or donations will be much appreciated. And I wish to thank all those kind hearted Plymouth businesses helping Fynn to be able to walk with twin brother Leo.”
Anyone looking to book tickets for the charity ball at the Duke of Cornwall can contact: Jennie_pearse@hotmail.com or donations to fynnsfirstfootsteps@gmail.com or mobile 07702029762